
Please email me for the latest fees document. 



Typically used to discuss academic planning, college list building, resume building, and/or application instruction. This is an opportunity for families that don’t require a lot of help but could use a couple of hours a year to ask questions and move forward. 

Other possible additions to consultations include Myers-Briggs Type Inventory and Strong Interest Inventory administration and interpretation. Activation of College Planner Pro, a college software system is also available. 

College Application Instruction: 


One hour consultation followed by two 2-hour blocks working on applications. Does not include essay writing. Available April, June – mid-August for rising seniors. 

Yearly Contracts:


Very Limited – Specific grade level advisement is below. All services include a reasonable number of emails and phone calls. My services are advisory. Students are responsible for their final college list, completing, reviewing, and submitting all applications, submitting supporting documents, and responding to correspondence sent by colleges. Contracts run yearly from June 1st to May 31st. Classes of 2025, 2026 are currently full. 

Freshman Year:  2 Meetings, includes College Planner Pro ((a college planning software program) activation and access, 4 assessments from Achieveworks, research, academic planning, and resume development. 

Sophomore Year: 2-3 Meetings, includes College Planner Pro activation, academic planning, resume development, all research, and Myers Briggs Type Inventory if requested. 

Junior Year: Includes 4 – 5 meetings, college list building, career/major assessments and exploration, and opening appropriate applications and forms. 

Senior Year:  Includes 10 college applications (the UC and Cal state count as one each regardless of the number of campuses selected). Additional applications will be charged separately.